Privacy Policy

We care about the privacy of your data.


By this Privacy Policy, we commit to respecting the privacy rights of our users. We have created this privacy policy to inform how your personal information will be collected, used, and shared as you use our Services.

Our Policy can be summarized as follows:
  • We will not sell your personal information, but we may share such information with our vendors and/or with our Clients in connection with the provision of the Services;
  • We do not knowingly collect information from individuals under the age of 18;
  • We may collect some information about you, as described in this Policy, but you have some choices about how much you share about yourself;
  • We may collect, use, and share aggregated anonymous information about our users;
  • In certain legal situations, we may be required to disclose your personal information;

If we use a third party to assist us, they will be required to protect your information. Our Policy applies to your use of the Services, whether you are a Client or an End User of the Services, including in connection with one or more events (each, an 'Event'). It is important to carefully read this Policy, as it describes how we collect, use, and share your information. By accessing and interacting with the Services, you agree to this Policy.

If you are an End User, you acknowledge that we will share your information, including your personally identifiable information, with our Clients, as specified in this Policy, for the purpose of providing the Services, including in connection with one or more Event(s) you may participate in.

When you register for an Evenbiz account, you must provide us with some personal information, such as name, email address, among others. You may also voluntarily choose to provide us with personal information as you use the Services, including, but not limited to, filling out your profile, registering, and interacting with others in connection with one or more Events.

We automatically collect certain information about you as you use the Services, including, but not limited to, cookies on the Evenbiz website and tracking in the app when you use our apps. This may include information about your device (such as the Unique Device Identifier), your location, your internet usage, and how you interact with the Services. This may include information about how you use the Services, the parts of our Services you use, and the third-party apps or websites you visit when you leave our Services to function properly.

Use of Your Information

  • We may use your information to improve our website, apps, and products;
  • We may use your information to personalize your experience with us;
  • We may use information to respond to your requests or inquiries;
  • We may use your information, such as your email address, to respond to questions or comments from your customers;
  • We may provide information about new features, updates, new products, or special offers from time to time;
  • We may use information to communicate with you about your account or our relationship.
  • We may use information for security purposes or we may use information to protect our company, a customer, and/or our website and apps;

Use and Sharing of Information to Provide the Functionality of the Services

We may share information with external social media services if an End User chooses to cross-post a post. We may also share information with our vendors who provide hosting, customer support, email marketing, and other services to us. If you are an End User, we will also share your information (including your contact information and information about your engagement with the Services) with the Client associated with your account to provide the functionality of the Services. The Client may contact you regarding one or more Events for which you have registered (including via push notification on your device) or for marketing and promotional purposes.

We may share information with any successor to all or part of our business. For example, if all or part of our company is sold, we may share information as part of that transaction.

We may share information if we believe we must comply with the law or protect ourselves. For example, we will share information to respond to a court order, subpoena, or a request from a government agency or investigative body. We may also share information when we are investigating potential fraud.

When we process your personal data on behalf of our Client for the purpose of providing the Services, we act as a processor of your personal data, as defined in Data Protection Laws. In such situations, the controller(s) of your personal data, as defined in Data Protection Laws, are any Clients who organize any Event(s) you are attending. You can find the relevant Client's contact information by observing the Event they posted. However, when we process your personal data for our own purposes (such as improving the Services and making the Services available to you beyond the particular Client's Event), we may be considered the controller of your personal data for the purposes of such processing.

Generally, we obtain your personal data from you because you want to use the Services. To use the Services (e.g., to participate in a Client's Event), you will need to register for the Services and create an account on Evenbiz. Without providing this information, you will not be able to use the Services. You may also voluntarily provide additional personal data to make greater use of the Services, and for this reason, we may collect personal data about you (such as your IP address) to provide the functionality of the Services. Finally, we may obtain your name, contact information, employment information, biographical information, and other personal data about you from a Client in connection with one or more Events. We may share information with your permission.

By accepting this term and using the YouTube video functionality, you also agree to Google's Privacy Policy.

Sharing and Marketing Practices

You can control tools on your mobile devices. You can turn off GPS or send notifications on your phone. Please note that turning off certain tools on your mobile device may affect the functionality of certain features of the Services.

You can control cookies and other browser-based tracking tools. Your browser may allow you to control cookies or other browser-based tracking tools. Please note that if you block cookies, certain features of the Evenbiz website may not work.

Age Requirements for Using Our Services

Our services are intended for adults only. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from individuals under 18 years of age without parental consent. If you are a parent or legal guardian and believe that your child under the age of 18 has provided us with information, you may email us at

How Your Information Is Stored

We keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the functionality of the Services or as required by law. If you want to access your information or want us to delete or modify your information, you can contact us by email at However, we may also retain your information as required by law.

To continue to provide an effective service, we may store non-personally identifiable information perpetually and anonymize your personally identifiable information and store this anonymized information perpetually. Additionally, we use third-party services and do not control their practices related to the storage and retention of your information.

Protection of Your Information

We make reasonable efforts to protect your information and try to prevent loss, misuse, and alteration of the information we obtain from you. However, the Internet and mobile apps are not 100% secure. We cannot promise that the use of our Services will be completely secure. We are not responsible to our users or third parties for any loss, misuse, or alteration of data, except to the extent required by the Privacy Shield Principles or applicable law. We suggest you to be cautious when using apps and the Internet. This includes not sharing your passwords.

Updating Our Policies

Our Policy may be updated from time to time, but changes will not be applied retroactively. If you continue to use the Services after they become effective, you will be bound by the updated Policy. We will notify you of any material changes to our Policy, as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our website ( and on our App. Please check our website and app periodically for updates.

Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data of Our Clients and End Users

By providing your data, you consent to this Policy, but this consent may be withdrawn at any time by emailing us at;

It is necessary for us to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations;

Processing is in our legitimate interests as a provider of the Services. Such interests include protecting the security and integrity of our systems, customer service, and the core functionality of the Service;

We will store your personal data for as long as necessary to provide the functionality of the Services. We may store your personal data as long as your personal data are published or linked to any Events you are attending or have attended or as long as the Client is using this data for their own business purposes.

Data Protection Regarding Your Personal Data

Such rights may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Right to request access to your personal data;
  2. To exercise such rights, you can contact us at;
  3. That your personal data be corrected or deleted to restrict the processing of your personal data or to object to the processing of your personal data.

Specifically, and without limiting your rights under Data Protection Laws, you can do the following:

  1. Request that your personal data not be used for a purpose that is materially different from the purposes for which it was originally collected or for purposes subsequently authorized by you;
  2. Request access to your personal data so that you can correct, change, or delete that personal data when it is inaccurate or has been processed in violation of the Privacy Shield Principles;
  3. Request that we do not disclose your personal data to third parties (except those acting as our agent to perform tasks on our behalf, such as payment processors and data processors). However, as the core functionality of the Services requires us to share your personal data with Clients, you will not be able to use the Services if you request that we do not disclose your personal data to Clients;
  4. As described in this Policy, we may share personal data with third parties and may be required to disclose personal data in response to legal requests from public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

    Latest Update of this Privacy Policy

    Date: 04/14/2024